Syrphid Fly – Syritta pipiens

Syrphid Fly – Syritta pipiens

Syrphid Fly - Syritta pipiens

  • Family Syrphidae is one of the most diverse and widespread groups of flies, with thousands of species found worldwide.
  • They are known for their mimicry of bees and wasps, which helps protect them from potential predators.
  • Hoverflies are valuable pollinators, contributing to the pollination of numerous flowering plants.
Syrphid Fly - Syritta pipiens

One indicator of the species is the sawtooth spines on the underside of the enlarged femora

Syrphidae are valuable allies in the fight against aphid infestations in agriculture. Their efficient predation behavior, combined with their ability to reduce the reliance on chemical pesticides, makes them an essential component of integrated pest management strategies.

Syrphid Fly - Syritta pipiens

Syrphidae adults and larvae both contribute to aphid predation. Adult hoverflies primarily feed on nectar and pollen, but they also play a role in aphid control by laying eggs near aphid-infested plants. Once the hoverfly larvae hatch, they become voracious aphid predators.

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