Halictid Bee – Lasioglossum species
As you can tell, this tiny bee’s pollen basket and hind legs are fairly covered in pollen grains.
There are approximately 280 species in the large genus Lasioglossum. Closely related to Halictus and Agapostemon, these tiny bees are often the most numerous of all bees in a habitat. The genus is so cosmopilitan, it spans the range of social behaviors including solitary, communal, and social habits.
Most species nest in the ground. Some species line their tunnels with a cellophane-like glandular secretion composed of chemicals called lactones. Each individual bee has its own unique chemical signature, helping workers return to the correct nest when returning from forage. [4]
Order Hymenoptera – Ants, Bees, Wasps and Sawflies / Family Halictidae
Live adult Halictid bees photographed in the wild at Blackwell Forest Preserve, Warrenville, Illinois.
Bees & Wasps Index | Stinging Hymenoptera