Snowberry Clearwing Moth – Hemaris diffinis
Snowberry Clearwing takes nectar at Monarda fistulosa
Hodges#7855 Family Sphingidae — hawk moths, hornworms, sphinx moths. Live adult moths photographed in the wild at Winfield, Illinois, USA.
I love these moths – they are as much fun to watch as hummingbirds. They don’t sting or bite or crawl around on poop or carrion.
I was in great luck to find this mated pair, these moths do not normally hold still for anything.
These large hawk moths are diurnal, that is, active during the day; they are most often seen nectaring at flowers.
Male Snowberry Clearwing Moth holds his front legs folded alongside his head, much as brushfoot butterflies and other insects.

Clear discal cell of forewing is one diagnostic of Hemaris diffinis
Wing detail photo shows the completely clear discal cell at the leading edge of the forewing.
Adult sphinx moths are medium to large moths with wingspans ranging from about 1.25 inches to 4.75 inches. The snowberry clearwing is one of the smallest moths in this group, while the five-spotted hawk moth is one of the largest.
See also Hummingbird Clearwing
Sphinx moths are often mistaken for hummingbirds and bumblebees because of their similarities in size, foraging behavior and coloration.
Reference: Snowberry Clearwing Moth
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