Oriental Beech – Fagus orientalis

Oriental Beech – Fagus orientalis

color photo Oriental Beech in green summer foliage

Oriental beech in Northern Illinois on May 4th, well-leafed out long before most other trees or shrubs

Family Fagaceae: Oaks & Beeches
This ancient tree is native to vast swaths of Asia Minor.

Oriental beech is a deciduous tree growing to 65 feet native to Northern Turkey, where it is one of the dominant tree species. Since the population of F. orientalis in this region regenerate by sprouts, they have been genetically identical for centuries, perhaps millennia [2].

color photo Oriental Beech green summer foliage

The leaves are alternate, simple, and entire or with a slightly crenate margin, 7-15 cm long and 5-9 cm broad, with 7-13 veins on each side of the leaf (6-7 veins in F. sylvatica). The buds are long and slender, 15-30 mm long and 2-3 mm thick, but thicker (to 4-5 mm) where the buds include flower buds.

Oriental Beech

Flowers appear as catkins shortly after the leaves emerge in springtime. Seeds are small triangular nuts 15-20 mm long and 7-10 mm wide at the base; there are two nuts in each cupule, maturing in the autumn 5-6 months after pollination. The cupule differs from that of European Beech in having flattened, slightly leaf-like appendages at the base [1].


  1. Wikipedia, “Fagus orientalis
  2. Mustafa Yilmaz, Is there a Future for the Isolated Oriental Beech Forests in Southern Turkey?

Family Fagaceae – Beech, Chinkapin and Oak
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